New Pennsylvania Law Reduces No-Fault Divorce, Waiting Period to 1 Year
The waiting period for a no-fault divorce in Pennsylvania has recently been reduced from two years to one year. House Bill 380, which Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf [...]
Dangerous Pitfalls in Starting New Job
In the recent 2016 case of Wakeley v. M.J. Bruner, Inc., the Pennsylvania Superior Court ruled against an employee who had been terminated shortly after starting a [...]
Wrongful Death of College Basketball Player
In the recent Superior Court case of Hill v. Slippery Rock University, a college basketball player collapsed during a late night high-intensity practice with his team. After [...]
PA Fair Share Act
On June 28, 2011, Governor Corbett signed SB113, the Fair Share Act (Act 17-2011) into law in [...]
2011 Changes to Pennsylvania Child Custody Laws
Effective January 24, 2011, significant changes were made to the existing child custody laws in Pennsylvania. This [...]
Buying/Selling a Home –Review the Sales Contract
Whether you are deciding to buy a new home or trying to sell your existing home, you [...]